POST 8 - My favorite subject.

 They asked me to write about my favorite subject this term, but I do not have one, so I will tell you about a course I took last semester called "Production and Commercialization of Organic Food”, this involved the impact of current food systems on environmental sustainability, agroecological and organic food production, the advantages and limitations of agroecological and organic production versus those of conventional food production, the different agroecological and organic food certification systems; the stages of production, processing, marketing and export of products, among other related issues.

As I mentioned before, I am studying food engineering. What I liked the most about the course was that this was the first approach to my career, I was in the 4th term, therefore, until that moment I had mostly had general training courses. This course allowed me to know a little more about food as such.

Within the course we held a seminar with topics independent of this, but related, these were presented by groups and then we commented on them, for example, on the solidarity economy and cooperatives, monocultures, influence of food on climate change, etc. These topics were linked to our daily life, and they were instances of reflection and a lot of learning.


  1. hi Almendra, I think your subject very interesting, especially the part of the production of this type of food.

  2. Hello Almendra, like you I am also studying food engineering and I find the course you presented very interesting and nice.

    1. Hello María Paz, this course is an EFE IA, it is not mandatory but I recommend it.

  3. I feel that in the current reality that we are living, this kind of things are super important, to know what we are eating and how it impacts the planet, I'm glad to know that it is something of your interest.

  4. Hi almendra, I am also studying food engineering, so I am very interested in this content. I love everything to do with climate change and things like that, so I was very excited to read your post.

    1. Hello Cote, I am glad that you were interested, this is not a general training course but you can take it if it is of your interest, it contributes more credits to our career since it is an EFE IA

  5. hello almendra, i love food engineering, now that i have been in college for three years and i have many friends studying the same as you, everything is very interesting.

  6. Hello Almendra, this subject is very interesting, I think I'll take it next semester hahah.
    It is a very good option, as you say, to take this branch to have a more direct approach to the Food Engineering career.

  7. Hi Almendra I also found that subject because it teaches you to see organic food from another perspective.


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